Night eyes

- In the dark far from any light
- moving slowly without sight
- suddenly twin lights shine out
- like a cars lamps piercing bright
- their light seems to almost fill the night
- filled with dread I nearly shout

- What could they be, these lights I see
- they glow so strong with fierce intensity
- and they are moving ever nearer
- I turn to run and attemp to flee
- but my legs are failing me
- and the lights appear clearer
- What is it that nears so fast
- a demon from a distant past
- a spirit come to haunt me
- perhaps an illusion not to last
- it may dissapear in a sudden blast
- I clench my eyes tightly

- I open my eyes and they are still there
- that strange, glowing disembodied pair
- and now they've stopped
- a fierce and terrifying, piercing glare
- but wait, are these eyes that at me stare
- Their intensity dropped

- Once more the cat blinked
- and again the lights winked
- relief washed over me
- out of the night it had slinked
- perhaps to me it felt linked
- but how could I now see

- Behind me the moon rose bright
- illuminating the once dark night
- reflecting from those eyes
- and now by the pale blue light
- I could see that which caused my fright
- and realize my suprise
- Once more I turned to walk away
- but something caused me to stay
- then the howl began
- how it sounded I can not say
- I know no words formed that way
- and then I turned and ran

- This creature was a cat no more
- my fear returned stronger then before
- I felt it at my heels
- a shiver ran straight to my core
- was this a beast from acient lore
- terror my strength steals
- It's breath is hot apoun my back
- I tense for the on coming attack
- then silence
- I stumble and nearly fall back
- elusive speed I surely lack
- unbearable suspense
- I turned to see what was in store
- it was gone there no more
- vanished without a trace
- all was quiet as it was before
- no sign of its horrific roar
- had it really given chase
- The world dissolved in a mystic way
- suddenly I faced a clear bright day
- I was in bed safe at home
- as the mists of dreams faded away
- I resolved that I would stay
- no more in the night to roam
